When your loved one is facing dire circumstances and you don’t know what actions to take, our geriatric care managers can help. A crisis is a challenging time to make any choices about short- or long-term care, or to navigate the convoluted health care system. We will help.
Addressing the various needs of an aging loved one can be incredibly stressful and frustrating. Many families turn to care managers when their loved one is in crisis. Umbrella’s geriatric care managers can lift the burden from you, getting your loved one the right care, alleviating your stress, and bringing calm to an otherwise chaotic situation.
By intervening in crisis situations – such as repeat hospital admissions and emergency room visits, an unexpected need for a nursing home or home care, or a catastrophic or terminal illness – our care managers provide peace of mind for patients, caregivers, and family members. We will advocate for your loved one and help you make informed decisions.
To learn more about our crisis intervention options, we invite you to send us a message, give us a call at 845-723-0536, or send an email to info@umbrellacaremanagement.com.